Under capitalism, it is the powers of the government that are regulated so that the inalienable rights of the individual are protected.
What are laws?
To place the use of force under objective legal control.
What is the constitution?
A written constitution objectively defines the nature, scope, and limitations of government powers serving as the individual’s protection against the government.
What is a constitutional republic?
“A republic if you can keep it.” — Benjamin Franklin
What is federalism?
Federalism is the principle of dividing political power vertically between federal and local governments.
What is the separation of powers?
The separation of powers is the principle of dividing political power.
What are the branches of federal government?
The federal (central) government consists of three branches.
What are “checks and balances”?
“Ambition must be made to counteract ambition.”
Political Power
Under capitalism, it is the actions of the government that are regulated so that the rights of the individual are protected.
What is democracy?
Pure democracy is collectivist mob-rule.