If capitalism is the expression of individualism; statism is the expression of collectivism.
Collectivism & Statism
Collectivism holds that the individual is not an end in oneself, but is a tool to serve the ends of collective.
Statism is a political-economic system where the individual lives not by inalienable right but by permission of the state.
Socialism is a collectivist-statist form of government where the state owns the economic system leading to the eventual destruction of civilization.
Communism is a radical form of statism that is totalitarian/authoritarian.
Racism is a form of collectivism that ascribes moral and political significance to an individual’s race and/or ancestry.
What is the anarchism?
Anarchism is not a form of capitalism; anarchism is a form of collectivism, where individual rights are subject to the rule of competing gangs.
What is “State Capitalism”?
“State capitalism” is not capitalism, but capitalism crippled by statism (government controls).
What is “Crony Capitalism”?
“Crony capitalism” is not capitalism, but political cronyism: the granting of political favors by the government to one’s friends (“cronies”) at the expense of the rights of others.