Capitalism is the ideal social system as it leaves the individual free to be moral — free to act rationally in the pursuit of happiness — so long as one respects the equal right of others to do the same.
What is life?
Life, according to philosopher Ayn Rand, is “a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action.”
What is morality?
Morality is the “science of self-preservation” and human fulfillment.
What is rational self-interest?
Self-interest indicates the end (the self) of one’s actions; rational indicates the means (reason) of obtaining that end.
What is virtue?
Virtues are the mental and physical actions necessary to obtain the values necessary to sustain one’s life and achieve happiness.
Why does one need moral principles?
If one desires consistent results, one must act consistently. That is, on principle.
What is ethics?
Ethics is individual morality applied to living life in society.
What is a ethics of sacrifice?
Rational self-interest does not mean sacrificing oneself for others (what philosopher Auguste Comte coined as altruism or “otherism”) or sacrificing others for oneself (what is smeared as “selfishness”).
What is the trader principle?
Rational self-interest means to live by the trader principle.